Rishabh kumar


A Tech Enthusiast and Multi-Skilled Professional

Hey there! I’m Rishabh Kumar, a student and a professional with a wide range of skills. From technical support and SharePoint management to SEO, social media marketing, and even photo/video editing, I love to tackle new challenges.

I’m someone who believes in working smart and making hard tasks easier through creative solutions. I thrive on learning new things every day and applying that knowledge to real-world problems. If you’re looking for a versatile, solution-driven individual who is always eager to grow, let’s connect!


What i learn in every 5 year


Learn world​

At this age i was aware of the little world surrounding me but still finding the question of when, why and what.


Learn HOW

Upto this year i was aware how to speak read and write after this i was learn when i got the how’s answer but then when and why arise


Learn to read

Learn about how words works and how we speak them still the main focus was to get the answer of “HOW”


Learn acedamic

Learn about how alphabet works and how we speak the main focus was to get the answer of “HOW”

Upcoming Work


It will be a tech support company i will make it a huge for advance and easy support

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